What is a Reformed Baptist Church?

The term “Reformed” refers to foundational teaching highlighted during the Protestant Reformation. While Reformed churches may differ in several areas, we all agree that the Bible teaches that God is sovereign over salvation, and that He alone saves men by His grace through faith in Christ’s work on the cross. Why does He do this? For His own glory. We affirm the “Doctrines of Grace” which are typically, and tragically referred to as “Calvinism”. Against popular belief we do not adhere to the teachings of John Calvin, but through an unwavering commitment to the Scripture we submit to these teachings because they are present within the Word of God. To know more about these teachings refer to our Statement of Faith tab. Within it you will find that we affirm the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 as our Statement of Faith which does an exceptional job of presenting what we believe in these matters concerning God, man, and salvation. I trust they will be a help to you along with the Scripture proofs.

The term “Baptist” you are probably more familiar with. It simply means that we as a church under the New Covenant believe that the Biblical ordinance of baptism should be administered to believers only. A large portion of the Reformed movement today and historically have adhered to infant baptism which we as a church reject.

Do you have a Children’s Ministry?

“Yes” and “No”. We believe that the greatest ministry to our children is equipping fathers and mothers with the tools necessary to train their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord! Saying that, we do have a Sunday School hour and Wednesday night Bible study with children aged classes to assist our parents in maturing their children in the faith. These classes are not to replace the responsibility God has placed upon their parents, but to aid them in growing their children in Christ for the glory of God.

Do you have a Nursery?

“Yes” and “No”. We do supply a nursery on Wednesday night to facilitate Men and Women’s small group study, but we do not supply a nursery on Sunday Morning. Some will say “Wait… what?! What do we do with our children then?” You bring them with you! While we have a nursery available and stocked with all the resources a parent would ever need for their little ones, we intentionally do not staff the nursery Sunday Morning to facilitate what we consider to be a Family Integrated Service. This means that our entire church meets together as a congregation for the primary worship service of the week and that includes our children. That’s right, we do it on purpose! We believe that the New Testament model is a family model and therefore we desire it. We desire to cultivate an environment at Christ Bible church where families worship together and those same parents model and instruct their little ones in the worship of God! Now we realize this creates certain difficulties within the service. It is not uncommon to hear babies crying or being corrected throughout the singing and sermon, but please know that we do not consider this to be a distraction or a burden. It is a blessing! What a blessing it is to see families training their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and worshiping together as father and son or mother and daughter! So, don’t feel awkward or out of place, come worship with us as a family at Christ Bible Church!  

What do I wear?

There is no dress-code at Christ Bible Church! During a service it will not be uncommon to see a wide range of clothes from casual wear to Sunday best. All that we ask is whatever you do decide to wear you remain modest in agreement with Scripture.

Do I have to tithe?

We would hope that all Church Members would joyfully give in accordance with Scripture and in support of what God is doing here at Christ Bible Church, but in no way do we demand anyone to give against their will. Also, visitors are not required to give. We thank God for your presence and money does not play a factor in your being welcome at our church.


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